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Do you see 11:11 or other number patterns like 222, 333, 777, 1212, etc?

Learn more about the phenomenon of seeing 11:11 or other number sequences over & over in your life. These are signs or as we like to call them heavenly messages & other people just like you see them too. Find out more from others who share this experience. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We have dedicated this page to those who are seeking answers to what these numbers mean. Here you will find testimonies from people around the world who have experienced these numbers & you will also find videos from us explaining the meanings behind the most common number sequences as a resource for you. We hope you enjoy the information and encourage you to connect with others who experience this for support if you need it by joining our group. 
For A Reading Guide to these number messages check out our Angel Messages 11:11 page here>

Seeing 11:11 Number Message

Learn more about the phenomenon of seeing 11:11 & the meaning behind it. 

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