Numerology dates back thousands of years with variations of it in most cultures throughout history, and is has been taught and studied by some of the most respected mathematicians throughout history even though some would try to call it psdeuscience.
Many of the ancient cultures: China, Japan, India, Babylon, and Egypt, were familiar with numerology long before the Greeks and Romans started using it.
Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and philosopher (569-470 B.C.) and generally considered the originator of the popular Pythagorean system, believed that reality is mathematical. He viewed the entire universe as being composed of mathematical patterns and was adamant that all things can be expressed in numbers that correspond to energy patterns of vibrations.
The teachings of Pythagoras were adopted by the notable Socrates and Plato and studied by early Christian scholars, including St. Augustine. This ultimately led to its expansion during the Renaissance, and it continues to be studied and practiced today.
Numerology under Pythagoras breaks everything in the universe down into numbers. Mathematics is the basis of all things, and geometry the highest form of mathematical studies. Modern mathematicians took out the feeling side to mathematics, which Pythagoras considered an integral part of understanding the physical world, relationships and yourself. In addition to numbers in relation to spirit & the cosmos, there is also a science devoted to sacred geometry another topic that might interest you as well.
Pythagoras saw the study of mathematics as a purifier of the soul. Let's go on a journey through Pythagoran theory and see what it has to say about you! These groups of numbers are significant not only if they're present but if they're missing. This chart will show your most important numbers and how they work together to show your unique numerology meaning. But, it will also show areas where you need some concentration, which would be revealed through your missing numbers.

Take your full birthday numbers and slot each of your numbers in where the corresponding Pythagoras numbers are located. There’s a very good possibility you won't have numbers for certain spots. Just leave a space or indicate with another symbol other than a zero.
Now draw arrows horizontally, vertically and diagonally where all three spots have a number as in the example. If you have just two numbers on one of these axis then you'll have some of those qualities. If you possess even one of the three numbers, it indicates a propensity to the positive traits. When none of the numbers are present...look at the numerology meanings of the missing numbers. They can tell you a lot about yourself as well. One or two numbers in the series puts you part of the way into both positive and negative traits of that series.

See the example for Susan Jenkins born July 17, 1959. The numbers slotted in are 7, 1, 7, 1, 9, 5, 9.
In this example, Susan shows a strong diagonal at 1>5>9, so these would be her dominant series of numbers. Notice how these are all masculine numbers in numerology meanings. Look at all the empty spaces. Where "X's" appear indicates areas she lacks the innate positive tendencies. Two numbers diagonally, vertically or horizontally, would have more but not full tendencies for that grouping of numbers. The less numbers the less positive influence.
Below are the numerology meanings for the different groupings.
1>4>7 – Physical: These numbers indicate strong physical dexterity, strength, and good health. All numbers absent indicates impracticality and awkwardness.
2>5>8 – Sensitivity: This is the number series of the emotionally balanced, artistic and highly sensitive individual. If all or part is missing you possess varying degrees of emotional confusion and oversensitivity.
3>6>9 - Intellect: This line shows you as intelligent, intellectual, and creative and that you have good judgment. If missing it points to the opposite, poor reasoning and dullness.
1>2>3 – Thoughts: This sequence loves order, good planning and has good organizational skills and administrative abilities. Watch out if missing, confusion and disarray.
4>5>6 – Will: You possess the determination to have whatever you desire, strong developed willpower. If missing your tendency is towards frustration disappointment and to be unsure of your decisions.
7>8>9 – Outlook: Strength in these numbers indicates energy, enthusiasm, and that you are active. Missing these numbers shows lethargy, procrastination, laziness and apathetic attitude.
1>5>9 – Willpower: You are dogged, patient, persistent and determined. If shy these numbers it indicates lack of motivation and purpose, resignation and indecisiveness.
3>5>7 - Spirituality: This series indicates you are compassionate, spiritually aware, serene. Missing: poor spiritual comprehension, agnostic, lack of emotional awareness.
There are many combinations a person could use to help them determine and refine their personality traits through numerology meanings.
Numerology Conversion Chart for Alphabet

One way you can use numerology is to examine your Name and birthdate which will reveal information about your life path and much more. If you are interested in a personal numerology reading feel free to contact me. I would be happy to help you learn more about yourself through a numerology reading. You will get an in depth written report based on your personal numerology.
Below are some basic meanings for the numbers:
1. One
From a spiritual perspective, it is the number of creation, the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth. It is also a symbol for beginnings, for action, for independence, leadership, drive, self-relient, strong willed. Associated with Mercury in Astology & The Magician in Tarot.
2. Two
The all knowing number, sensitive, intuitive, tactful, diplomatic and cooperative, partnerships, peacemakers, studious, patient, deep thinking. Associated with The Moon in Astrology and with The High Priestess in Tarot.
3. Three
Creative force, imaginitve, expressive, communicators, artisits, music, optimisim, tolerant, inspiriring, dynamic, healing. Associated with Venus in Astrology and with The Empress in Tarot.
4. Four
Foundation, disiplined, strong, stable, pragmatic, down-to-earth, reliable, dependable, hard-working, precise, methodical, conscientious, trusting. Associated with Aries in Astrololgy and with The Emperor in Tarot.
5. Five
Dynamic Force, change, energetic, adventure, daring, freedom-loving, versatile, flexible, adaptable, social, curious, brave. Associated with Taurus in Astrology and The Hierophant in Tarot
6. Six
Caretaker, responsible, loving, self-sacrificing, protective, sympathetic, compassionate, domestic, idealistic, teachers. Associated with Gemini in Astrology and with The Lovers in Tarot.
7. Seven
The Seeker, luck, spiritual, analytical, focused, introspective, studious, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, refined, inner wisdom. Associated with Cancer in Astrology and with The Chariot in Tarot.
8. Eight
Balance & Power, authoritative, business-minded, control, efficient, capable, good judge of character, management. Associated with Leo in Astrology & with Strength in Tarot.
9. Nine
Global Awareness, helpful, compassionate, aristocractic, sophisticated, charitable, generous, humanitarian, cooperative, self-sufficient, proud. Associated with Virgo in Astrology and with The Hermit in Tarot.
Numerology reduces all multi-digit numbers to the single-digit numbers 1 through 9 with the exception of the three Master numbers 11, 22 and 33.
11. Eleven
The first of the master numbers, it is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is instinctual, charismatic, dynamic, idealist, very spiritual, psychic gifts. Associated with Justice in Tarot. The 11 (a double 1) has the personality traits of the 1 twice, and when added together, it becomes a 2, which means in this number you are joining the first two primary numbers (masculine primary creative force 1 with the 2 feminine intuitive cooperative force). A powerful combination indeed. This means you can push to the highest levels of spiritual perception when balanced is achieved with this number. It is the link between man and spirit, between light and dark, this number holds both ends of the energy spectrum at once. The master intuitive number. You might also notice that all the master numbers are all multiples of 11-thus it is the beginning for each.
22. Twenty Two
The second master number, it represents a double dose of the feminine intuitive and cooperative power represented by the 2, with a great capacity to make dreams into reality. The double 2's also equal 4 bringing strong foundations, stability and strength. With this number you can take many of the experiences from the 11 and then apply it to the material world. Thus this is the master builder number. Where you pair spiritual knowledge with practical application in your material life.
33. Thirty Three
Finally, the master number 33. It combines the most important aspects of the the three: powers of expression, creativity, communication and healing and doubles it. The two threes become a 6, which also relates to care-giving, idealism and teaching. This master number builds on the experience of the 11 and 22 in order to teach others. Thus the true essence is the final word in spiritual evolution; the Master Teacher.

Other Resources & Information about Numerology: