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The history of Native American Animal Totems is represented as emblems of the tribes or groups of people such as a family or clan. Animal totems or emblems, also reflect the lineage of a tribe, reminding them of their ancestry or their mythical past and creation myths. The word totem is derived from the Ojibwe (Chippewa) word 'odoodem' meaning "his kinship group". Many tribes also hold the belief that each person will have animal totems that are spirit guides who sometimes appear in dreams or in the form of Power Animals. These animal totems, or spirit guides walk through life with them, teaching and guiding them and in some instances, protecting them. If you have seen an animal symbol in your life that has caught your attention use our chart below to find the meaning associated with your Spirit Guide or Totem Animal. Native Americans celebrate the Creator by connecting with Creation or Nature. It is no surprise that these people felt deep kinship with the Creator through seeing the Great Spirit in all forms of Creation. Bringing nature into your spiritual life is a great way to connect with Mother Earth and with our own inner nature. 

Animal Totem   Meaning of Animal Totem


Alligator             Alligator-Emotional understanding, cleansing & Spiritual Healing

Badger               Badger - Bold, out-going, good communicator

Bat                    Bat - Death and Rebirth and Guardian of the Night

Beaver               Beaver - Creative and Artistic ability, builder, resourcefulness and determination

Bear                  Bear - Strength, Solitude, Motherhood, Teaching and to learn Humility Meaning of Bear

Bobcat               Bobcat - Independence, Clear Vision and self reliance

Bumblebee         Bumblebee - Honesty, Pure Thinking, Willingness and Drive

Buffalo              Buffalo - A manifestation of the Great Spirit, Knowledge, Generosity and abundance

Butterfly            Butterfly - Represents transformation and the ability to accept change

Cougar              Cougar - Power, leadership, humility and encourages responsibility for life

Cow                  Cow - Represents Motherhood, contentment, fertility and nourishment

Crocodile           Crocodile - Strong will, Emotional understanding, cleansing and healing 

Coyote              Coyote - Helps you recognize your own mistakes, Stealth, Clowning and Humor

Crow                 Crow - Find balance living in present, release past beliefs, Skill and Cunning

Deer                  Deer - Healing, Gentleness, kindness & compassion

Dolphin             Dolphin - Interpreting dreams, Change, Wisdom, Communication, 

Dog                  Dog - Guidance, Loyalty and trust

Dogfish             Dogfish - Persistence and Strength A Born Leader

Dove                 Dove - Love, Gentleness and Kindness

Dragonfly          Dragonfly - Dreams, Illusions, Ever-changing Life

Eagle                Eagle - Great Strength, courage Leadership and Prestige

Elk                    Elk - Bravery, agility and independence

Falcon               Falcon - Soul Healing, Speed and Movement

Fox                   Fox - Cunning, Stealth and Feminine Courage 

Frog                 Frog - Spring & New Life, Sensitivity, Communicator, Stability

Grizzly Bear       Grizzly Bear - Strength and Ferocity

Halibut             Halibut - Life protector, Strength and Stability

Hawk                Hawk - Guardianship, Strength, Far Sighted

Heron               Heron - Patience, Graceful and Easy Going

Horse               Horse - Energy, Power, Message carrier, communicates with other realms

Hummingbird    Hummingbird - Love, Beauty, Intelligence, Spirit Messenger and Stopper of Time

Killer Whale       Killer Whale - Seas and the Underworld, Traveler & Guardian and Symbol of Good

Kingfisher         Kingfisher - Luck, Patience, Speed and Agility

Lizard               Lizard - Awareness, Conservation, subconscious hopes and fears

Moose              Moose - Headstrong, Balance and Longevity

Mouse              Mouse - Observant qualities and diligence

Otter                Otter - Feminine Power, Playful, Trusting, Inquisitive, Bright, Loyal and speedy

Owl                  Owl - Wisdom, silent and swift, ability to see things normally, a creature of the night

Raccoon            Raccoon - Curiosity, Creativity, Dexterity, Disguise

Raven               Raven - Creation & Knowledge - Bringer of the Light

Porcupine          Porcupine - Safety and Protection

Salmon             Salmon - Persistence, Dependability and Renewal - A Provider

Seal                  Seal - Bright, Inquisitive, Organized

Shark                Shark - Remorselessness, Survival, Adaptability

Snake               Snake - Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation and Transformation

Spider               Spider - Creativity, weaving the web of fate

Squirrel             Squirrel - Planning and Preparation

Turtle                Turtle - Self-Reliance, Tenacity, Slow Progress

Weasel              Weasel - Encourages you to develop your sense of inner hearing and to pay attention to your inner voice

Whale                Whale - Ancient Knowledge, Awareness 

Wolf                  Wolf - Intelligence & Leadership - Strong Sense of Family

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