Angel Messages | 1111 & Other Number Sequence Meanings
If you continually see the numbers 11, 111, or 1111, there's a reason. The most common way that angels communicate with humans is through the universal languages of numbers, symbols and music.
The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was the first to establish that numbers hold vibrational properties. He taught that the entire universe is mathematically precise and guided by numbers. By understanding the patterns & vibrations of these numbers you can easily understand the messages you are recieving.
When you see repetitive number sequences, this is a message from your guardian angels. You can ask your angels what they are trying to tell you, and if you listen in stillness, you will hear their answers clearly. Sometimes, though, if you're stressed or in a hurry, it's not as easy to hear your angels.
So, Angel Numbers are a shorthand code between you and your angels. In the case of 1's, they represent the post of an energy gateway. The more 1s you see, the stronger the path is. It is a sign to pay attention.
In practical terms, this could mean that your thoughts are going through a cycle where they are manifesting quickly into form. You think it, and boom! It happens. When these cycles occur, it's extra important to keep your thoughts focused upon your desires, and to stay positive. Also it is important to recongnize what thoughts you were having when you see the numbers other times it may be something in your surroundings that it is pointing too. Use your intuition and trust your gut feelings and impressions. Your inner-self is really your best guide to connecting.
1, 11, 111, and 1111 in Angel Numbers all mean: "Keep your thoughts positive, pay attention, look for the additional signs and look within."
Here is a quick guide to the Angel Messages for the most common number sequences:
Let's begin with the single digit explanation for each based on numerology:
1. One
From a spiritual perspective, it is the number of creation, the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth. It is also a symbol for beginnings, for action, for independence, leadership, drive, self-relient, strong willed. Associated with Mercury in Astology & The Magician in Tarot.
2. Two
The all knowing number, sensitive, intuitive, tactful, diplomatic and cooperative, partnerships, peacemakers, studious, patient, deep thinking. Associated with The Moon in Astrology and with The High Priestess in Tarot.
3. Three
Creative force, imaginitve, expressive, communicators, artisits, music, optimisim, tolerant, inspiriring, dynamic, healing. Associated with Venus in Astrology and with The Empress in Tarot.
4. Four
Foundation, disiplined, strong, stable, pragmatic, down-to-earth, reliable, dependable, hard-working, precise, methodical, conscientious, trusting. Associated with Aries in Astrololgy and with The Emperor in Tarot.
5. Five
Dynamic Force, change, energetic, adventure, daring, freedom-loving, versatile, flexible, adaptable, social, curious, brave. Associated with Taurus in Astrology and The Hierophant in Tarot
6. Six
Caretaker, responsible, loving, self-sacrificing, protective, sympathetic, compassionate, domestic, idealistic, teachers. Associated with Gemini in Astrology and with The Lovers in Tarot.
7. Seven
The Seeker, luck, spiritual, analytical, focused, introspective, studious, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, refined, inner wisdom. Associated with Cancer in Astrology and with The Chariot in Tarot.
8. Eight
Balance & Power, authoritative, business-minded, control, efficient, capable, good judge of character, management. Associated with Leo in Astrology & with Strength in Tarot.
9. Nine
Global Awareness, helpful, compassionate, aristocractic, sophisticated, charitable, generous, humanitarian, cooperative, self-sufficient, proud. Associated with Virgo in Astrology and with The Hermit in Tarot.
Numerology reduces all multi-digit numbers to the single-digit numbers 1 through 9 with the exception of the three Master numbers 11, 22 and 33.
11. Eleven
The first of the master numbers, it is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is instinctual, charismatic, dynamic, idealist, very spiritual, psychic gifts. Associated with Justice in Tarot. The 11 (a double 1) has the personality traits of the 1 twice, and when added together, it becomes a 2, which means in this number you are joining the first two primary numbers (masculine primary creative force 1 with the 2 feminine intuitive cooperative force). A powerful combination indeed. This means you can push to the highest levels of spiritual perception when balanced is achieved with this number. It is the link between man and spirit, between light and dark, this number holds both ends of the energy spectrum at once. The master intuitive number. You might also notice that all the master numbers are all multiples of 11-thus it is the beginning for each.
22. Twenty Two
The second master number, it represents a double dose of the feminine intuitive and cooperative power represented by the 2, with a great capacity to make dreams into reality. The double 2's also equal 4 bringing strong foundations, stability and strength. With this number you can take many of the experiences from the 11 and then apply it to the material world. Thus this is the master builder number. Where you pair spiritual knowledge with practical application in your material life.
33. Thirty Three
Finally, the master number 33. It combines the most important aspects of the the three: powers of expression, creativity, communication and healing and doubles it. The two threes become a 6, which also relates to care-giving, idealism and teaching. This master number builds on the experience of the 11 and 22 in order to teach others. Thus the true essence is the final word in spiritual evolution; the Master Teacher.
111, 1111 - repeating ones is like a wake up call. pay attention. keep your thoughts positive. look for more signs. synchonicities may increase. this is the beginning of guidance. You may have a new epiphany of some kind soon. Take notice of your thoughts at this moment and pay attention to your surroundings for clues as well.
22, 222 - repeating two's relate to the master builder number. You are asked to take a balanced and cooperative stance in all areas of your life. Stand strong in your personal truths and bring your dreams into reality.
33, 333 - repeating three's relate to master teachers (spirit guides may be near you at that time). It also relates to the trinity of the mind, body and spirit (seeking balance between the three). It also relates to new teachings, growth, healing, communication, expression, adventure.
44, 444 - repeating four's relate to strong foundations, stability, sometimes finances, productivity, hard-work and progress. You are encouraged to keep on building upon your current path.
55, 555 - repeating five's relates most to change, new opportunities, letting go of old things that no longer serve us, sometimes major life changes, many times you will have something old replaced with something better (though we don't always realize that when are losing something). Just remain positive and hopeful during the transition. All is for the best in your future.
66, 666 - repeating 6's are not a bad thing :) it may just mean you need to take care of yourself or others in your life. The six is a caregiving number, one that encourages you to focus on any spiritual or other issues in your life that might need healing or balance. It may also mean you need to overcome something in your material life in order to reach more peace.
77, 777 - repeating 7's relate to spiritual enlightment, spiritual awakening, intuition, inner voice of wisdom, discernment and good fortune. This is a sign that you have been listening to your inner guidance and that you will enjoy the benefit of doing so.
88, 888 - repeating 8's relate to patience, practicality, dependability, personal power, business acumen, finding success and the universal law of Karma or Cause & Effect. Keep thoughts and actions positive and you will receive the same. Take a practical approach to your life at this time.
99, 999 - repeating nine's relate to communication, inner-strength, sometimes conclusions and endings, humility, humanity, leadership, and serving others. Trust that this is happening for very karmic reasons which will become evident in the near future even if you don't understand why a phase in ending now. All endings are new beginnings.
Angel Numbers can appear in any sequence and often present as mixed numbers such as 1234, 1221, 4284 etc. The combinations are endless. These numbers can be looked at in a few different ways. Often the total of the number sequence is the key to your message/s. For example, a sequence of 1210 can be viewed as 1+2+1+0 = 4. In this instance the number 4 is the CORE vibration of your angels’ message. You may then look at each individual number in the sequence to compliment the core message for greater understanding. Also as mentioned earlier always remember to take note of your thoughts and surroundings when you see the signs. As your guidance increases you may even be given signs in other forms such as animal totems, music, colors and even direct key words.
If you have a message you are unsure about. Feel free to comment below with your number sequence and I will help you decode your message. I will personally respond to you with an answer. Please leave as much detail about your experience as possible in the comment section to help us provide the most accurate answer for your personal life. Peace be with you.